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Our church's name: Our church is a historic Baptist church with the Bible as the Word of God and the only rule of faith and practice. A Baptist Church is a Christian church of the same type as the church which the Lord Jesus Christ established and is recorded in the New Testament. Our church is called Calvary Baptist Church located in Hachioji City. Its name bears the Latin name "Calvary" where Jesus Christ was crucified.
鴨田 信(かもだ しん)
1969 年、横浜市に生まれる。八王子市に在住。家族は妻、息子と娘がいる。
米国テキサス州ヘンダーソンに位置するカルバリー・バプテス ト教会の宣教師であり
現在、東京都八王子市でカルバリー・バプテス ト教会の宣教師・牧師として
Shin Kamoda
Born in Yokohama in 1969. Lives in Hachioji City. He has his wife, son and daughter
in his family.
He completed his Doctorate of Theology Degree at the Texas Baptist Institute and
Seminary in the United States.
He is sent out by Calvary Baptist Church in Henderson, Texas, U.S.A., Pastor Craig Duncan.
Currently, he is a missionary-pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church in Hachioji, Tokyo. He is working as an instructor of the Japan Missionary Baptist Seminary.
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