●日曜学校 Sunday School
日曜日 AM9:30-10:20
Sunday AM9:30-10:20
Children and adults can study the Bible, pray, give and praise.
● 朝の礼拝 Morning Worship
日曜日 AM10:30-12:00
Sunday AM10:30-12:00
Praise, Pray, Give and Hear God's messages from the Bible.
● 夕礼拝 Evening Worship
日曜日 PM6:00-7:00
Sunday PM6:00-7:00
Praise, Pray, Give and Hear God's messages from the Bible and more.
● 水曜集会(祈り会)
Wed. (Prayer Meeting)
水曜日 PM7:00-8:00
Wednesday PM7:00-8:00
We pray for our needs and giving thanks to God. We praise and study the Bible.
● 聖書を学ぶ会 Bible Studies
木曜日と金曜日 AM10:30-12:00
Thursday and Friday AM10:30-12:00
Praise, Prayer, Bible Study. There are seasonal breaks. Please, check our announcement in case you want to be sure.
Thursday Class is open for beginners. Please, contact us if interested.
● 青年会 Youth Meeting
毎月第4日曜日 PM2:00-4:00
Every 4th Sunday PM2:00-4:00
Praise, Prayer, Bible Study and fellowship. Discussion for activities, ministry, and fun time together. In summer and winter, youth fellowship meetings are held. We invite young friends in our area.
● バイブル・キャンプ Bible Camps
Bible camps are held three times each year in collaboration with the churches of the Japan Baptist Association to study the Bible. These are mainly Sunday school camps for children and adolescents, adult camps for adults, and youth camps for adolescents. Our church actively cooperates and participates in these camps.
● 聖歌隊 Choir
The ministry of practicing praise and presentations has begun. Those who like to sing and those who like to play musical instruments such as guitar, piano, percussion can play an active part in this activity.
● 婦人向け、男性向けの活動 Activities for women and men
We plan and carry out women's and men's association activities on an irregular basis. Please contact us if you are interested.